Sanjay Kumar Bhartia, the artist and the creator behind Live Wire Art, a unique art form through the medium of copper wires was born on 09 September 1954 amongst the sylvan and picturesque settings in the remote hamlet of Sahibganj, Jharkhand. His leanings towards religion and mystic from an early age led him to travel across the countryside and places of religious discourse. It was during his visits to West Bengal & Rajasthan in 1970s that he drew inspiration from the rich cultural heritage of the land and was drawn towards the ornate, rich carvings and regal architecture of the Havelis and Palaces. In the formative years of developing the art he experimented with depictions of Gods and Goddesses in their natural form by using copper wires of various guages and colours / hues. The innate expressions and subtle feelings with emphasis on facial form find vivid reflection in his art work. Creations in Live Wire Art has now metamorphosed into varied range of representations encapsul
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